Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's not Pink, but...

I received my order from Kelly's Closet. I'm so excited because for just under $51, shipped I got:
A tot's bot diaper, two rolls of diaper liners, two snappis, a set of BG newborn inserts and a FREE smartipants! I was totally stoked because I was thinking about ordering another smartipants (in pink.) The one I got was blue, but considering the season, and that my tot bot was in red, I thought it was so cute! And what a great deal... all of that for $50!!! KC has a lot of great coupons going on right now:
*Take 10% off all Rumparooz AND FREE shipping. Use code RUMPAROOZTEN

*Free one-size cloth diaper with $25 purchase. Use code OSMOTPROMO Exp.7/15/2010 (we choose one size diaper brand & style)
*FREE pair of bumGenius babylegs with a $35 or more purchase. Use code BGLEGS at check-out. (Can expire anytime; while supplies last.)
*Take $3 off a purchase of $20 or more. Use code 3OFF20 (Excludes some brands like bumGenius,Flip,Econobum.) Exp.7/1/2010 (You can order these brands however the discount will not be taken off until you spend $20 of other brands.)
They have a limit of 1 code per order.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Quick Daily Deal!

Oh how I've missed the blogging world... I've been so wrapped up in work, election results, and, of course! Diapers and my sweet little children. They are getting so big so fast! Jo (my eldest) just turned 5! Ack!
Well, enough about me, I wanted to let YOU know that right now, as of this post, has the Dream Eze AIOs for $10.50 plus shipping. Don't have an AIO? Get one! I personally don't like side snap diapers (Guerrilla Fluff is the only one that works for us;) but, if you have a love of side snaps AND cheap dipes, then there is no reason you shouldn't snap up a few.
AIOs work for a multitude of scenarios, and I really like the Dream Eze wraps... awesome waterproof-ness.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just keepin' up with the sales

I'm neglecting my blog! I'm neglecting me. I certainly hope I'm not neglecting my children. I don't think so. I know it's been 8 days since my last wash, but the diapers are clean now! I'm lucky that I live in such a dry climate; now, if only I can get another good sale on rockin green hard formula.
Well, I did find a discount on Green Sprout Baby Diapers. I did a quick google search and voila! 10% off. It was enough to cover shipping, at least.
I was also planning this huge, wonderful rave for Patooshie Pants, but then she closed her store! I was SO sad. These diapers looked just like goodmamas, and they fit the goodmama inserts, but performed even better because they had a larger overhang from the elastic, and the bamboo fleece was amazing.... ahh..... I'm glad I spent the extra money to get 4, cuz they are honestly my favorite diaper.
Any who, I hope you (like I) have been able to grab some of the free diapers thanks to the Mothering magazine coupon. Haven't you heard? See my button for mom's milk boutique over there on the left? Free shipping and free bumgenious AIO diaper with a bumgenious purchase of $10 or more. Or, try Abby's Lane and tell her that Shanna @ cheapfluffybunz sent you. Both are free shipping. (She asks for $25 BG minimum, but hey, that's trying out the flip, right?). I LOVE the flip diapers. They work so well with my gDiapers. Also try Squishy Tushy for the free BG AIO. Free shipping on orders over $35.
And what else? Oh yes, Blueberry Diapers just stocked their clearance section. With prices like these, you don't have to buy used diapers!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's compare, Shall we? (Fitteds)

So, I've been trying all sorts of cloth dipes because there are so many different kinds out there! Let's start with the basics: Fitteds
(okay, the basics would really be pre-folds, and from there, contours, but fitteds are just a step up from contours and viola! Basics!) Besides, I've decided with Vi, I'm not doing pre-folds any more. Fitted are way more fashionable and I like going coverless at home. Then I know when she goes, and I can change her more often.
So, back to fitteds. I will update this list as I move on in my experimenting, but I want to show you the price-comparison of the different fitteds on the market. I'm going to list these from most expensive to cheapest.
Also to note, these are all one-size. I believe in one-size diapers because then I don't have to buy 3 sets of diapers. You can make the argument that you would resell the diapers once you are done with them, but I figure, make the investment, and use what you got until potty learning.
I should also note - I like to buy my diapers NEW. You can always chose to buy used diapers, and that would reduce the price, but for my purposes, I'm talking about new.
1. Goodmama.
Ah, the goodmama diaper. A luxory diaper. An expensive diaper. A cute diaper. An absorbent diaper. An overpriced diaper. Bottom line: goodmama has good diapers. Goodmama fitteds retail for $33 each with their cotton velours at $29 each. There are many, many alternatives, (as I'll show you below) for goodmamas. Don't get me wrong. When there's a sale, grab a few prints that you like, otherwise, pass.
Absorbency: It will hold a few potties or one big "urinating event". (However, I've had a blow out in this diaper, so take it what it's worth.)
Cuteness: Okay, they do have really, really cute prints. And the have lots of customs done.
Fit: There is one thing that I've heard about yet not yet experienced: wing droop. On larger babies/toddlers, the "wings" of the diapers can slip down and the diaper can fall off. I would guess this is due to poor elastic or poor placement of elastic. Other issues for babies with sensitive skin is the exposed snaps and the serging rubbing against soft skin. Red marks tend to ensue. I should note, this diaper, like the two listed below all have a "two-snap" snap in soaker. I'm going to have to take a picture of this. It's important because you can always grab a soaker from a Bububebe and stick it in a goodmama, and vice-versa.
Fluff for Buck: Uh, $33 for 1 diaper? plus shipping? yeah, I know it's a one-size, but come on.
2. BubuBebe
My first alternative to the goodmama. Instead of a insert with 2 layers, these dipes have 3 layers in their inserts. And they all separate from each other for custom absorbency. PLUS there are two extra snaps in the front for easy snap down for small babes. There are also extra snaps in the soaker so that you can flip it around and stick it around in the front, if you aren't folding down the diaper.
Absorbency: A+. It's nice to have the bamboo fleece, the velour, and it's all customizable. I swear, this thing could contain a gallon.
Cuteness factor: It's comparable to goodmama. Really take a look.
Fit: This is okay. I do like that these diapers tend to be the longest out there. I think the rise is like 20 inches, but the elastic is really close to the ends; the diaper tends to bunch up leaving red marks. But, they are really, really trim. The goodmamas are about 6.5 inches; the bububebe is only 5.5 inches.
Fluff for Buck: Pass. Really. Unless you need to build a stash (Read: buy 5 or more diapers) AND they are on sale (regularly $28), just pass. Plus you'd have to pay the shipping costs, from Canada.
3. Piddle Poddles
The next alternative to the goodmama. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. These WAHMs use the same cute prints as goodmama, they have the same type of soaker. You can use these interchangeably with the goodmamas.
Absorbency: Uh, yeah. See the goodmama right up. Although, one of my soaker's stitching has come undone. It doesn't really effect the function, but it is sad to see.
Cuteness: OMG! I love these. This would be the main reason that I buy these.
Fit: If I gave out points, this is where I would take away 5. The PP's are big and bulky. The width is also 6.5 inches, but I just feel like these aren't as squishy as a goodmama.
Fluff for Buck: $27. Okay, so that's 6 bucks less than a goodmama. But still expensive. Good news is that they have sales all the time. Bad news is that you will always have to pay shipping.

Alright, I have several more that I know that I want to review, but let's stick to three for now, and I'll add more later (along with pictures). In my stash, I also have sticky peas, guerrilla fluff, kooshie keister, patooshie pants, bagshot row bamboo.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bumkins AIOs

Do you love all in ones? I’ve been dying to try, and I’ve now found my chance. Ecobabybuys is selling (for today only) 2 Bumkins AIOs plus a wet bag for $33.50. For me, shipping would be $5. Items ship from New York, so all of you New Yorkers would be charged sales tax as well. However, it’s still a good deal seeing how normally the Bumkins AIOs are $18 each.
An alternative would be the Bumkins Diaper Bundle 3-Pack from (free shipping!), starting at $52; retail price is $72.

I hope you find your cheap fluff!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What's the going rate for a BG?

I think it's typically $18 for a BumGenius pocket diaper. Well, have you considered modifying your BG to snaps? If so, go ahead and get an extra one...
$16 at
And, she'll throw in 100 snap sets for you too. Shipping is free if you buy two. (But, hurry, she only has 5 left...)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Hiatus

I want to apologize to those of you who follow my blog. I have been on a bit of hiatus since my last post. Allow me to summarize, in chronological order:
1. Halloween.
2. Found out that we were being evicted. Had to be out by the 31st of December.
3. Hosted Thanksgiving. (Still didn't have a place to move to.)
4. Looking to move.
5. Working...
6. Looking to move...
December 15th...
7. Found a place! And Christmas (oh, and my birthday, that goes with Christmas...)
8. Moved in on Christmas Day.
9. Christmas. (Did that already happen?)
10. Working and moving and working...
11. New Years
12. Working 40 hours a week.
13. Internet? Yeah, you can't get At&t. You have to get Cox.
14. I love moving and not having access to the internet or mail for weeks at a time.
15. Ah-ha! There you are.
See, and now here we are, on (or near) January 15th. This is going to get better. Much better. I hope you all scored some excellent Christmas sale stash.
I did. It's in a box somewhere...