Friday, June 18, 2010

Quick Daily Deal!

Oh how I've missed the blogging world... I've been so wrapped up in work, election results, and, of course! Diapers and my sweet little children. They are getting so big so fast! Jo (my eldest) just turned 5! Ack!
Well, enough about me, I wanted to let YOU know that right now, as of this post, has the Dream Eze AIOs for $10.50 plus shipping. Don't have an AIO? Get one! I personally don't like side snap diapers (Guerrilla Fluff is the only one that works for us;) but, if you have a love of side snaps AND cheap dipes, then there is no reason you shouldn't snap up a few.
AIOs work for a multitude of scenarios, and I really like the Dream Eze wraps... awesome waterproof-ness.