Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Call!

So many good sales out there!
Let's recap:
Not only is Goodmama, Inc. still having their buy 2, get 1 free, now their apparel is also on sale! Go. Enjoy. (Matchy-Matchy)
Ya know who else is doing a Buy 2 get 1 free? Muttaqin Baby. Check out the sale selection as well. This WAHM is rumored to have a baby in late August and will be closing up shop for a while. Use coupon code: buy2get1. Unfortunately, cannot be combined with free shipping.
BubuBebe is GIVING AWAY diapers! That's right, hyenacart members can enter to win free for shipping diapers. Plus 10% off and free shipping on orders over $100. Woohoo!
Today is the last day for the gDiaper deal: Use the code "g1140Bennetts" to get the 6 pack of g-covers for $40. Plus, right now, the print g-pants are 20% off.
Lastly, Piddle Poddles is having a free matching T-shirt sale. You can't specify the prints, but if you like PidPods, you can't go wrong.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Looking Back

It's a Carnival! Find other mamas who use cloth diapers. Cloth Diapering Bloggers has been founded. Our first carnival is what you wish you would have known then that you know now.

I CD both my girls, and Jo is now 4 years old. With her, I used a diaper service. OH MY GOSH. You're telling me that I could have investing in goodmamas, or bumgenious and then I wouldn't have had to buy any for Vi? *Smacks forehead several times.*

You see, I'm afraid of poop. Well, not just poop, but most bodily fluids. Throw up, spit, blood, you name it, it pretty much grosses me out. I mean it. If a toilet is about to overflow, I run and hide. I didn't even change my first diaper until after Jo was 5 weeks old. (Yeah, my hubby IS that great.)

But, if I would have know how E A S Y it is to wash cloth diapers, I could have saved hundreds of dollars on new diapers for #2. I hung on to the diaper covers, and they are still in great shape. And I washed those. Seriously, what was I thinking?

I was thinking: I can't do this. No one has time to wash cloth diapers. I don't have the room to store them. I don't know what I'm doing.

Ha! Now I have two kids, and it's really easy to have Vi in cloth. It's even easier than a service. Besides, I get to pick out the cutest diapers for her and I get to use them again and again. (And they don't feel like they were baked by an industrial cleaning solution!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Have ya met...?

I'm a fan of that show, How I met your mother. There's a point where one friend is trying to get another friend "out there" in the dating world. He say's "Hi, have you met Ted?" and then scampers off. I'm going to do that for you with the world of cloth diapers. I'm going to introduce you to a website that I have heard about and use myself. So, here we go:
Hi! Have ya met diaper pin? It's a site for cloth diaper reviews. Go explore.
But, REALLY go to the Sales and Announcements page. Seriously.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Free Goodmamas

I'll just let Suzanne from Goodmamas spell it out:

With all the turned fitteds coming in, we are running out of room on ourshelves. Rather than overhaul our warehouse organization system, I'm bringing back the super-popular buy any two regular serged fitteds, getone free in a serged spectacular sale!

The sale is calculated for the prices of the regular print and obvfitteds, so when you buy a cotton velour fitted, your savings is evengreater! Try it and see! And remember all goodmama diapers are made in the United States byfairly paid US workers, mostly women, from mostly US-made organic materials.

Not only are they good diapers, but you can feel good about them too,and now you can get them at fantastic prices. Stock up, you and your baby deserve it. With these prices you can have a nice big stash for a large laundry rotation. With these prices, there'sno reason not to try cloth diapering. With these prices, there's no reason not to have the best!

Yup. I think that says it all. Link one more time:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Did you want those LIMITED EDITION BumGenius?

A friend of mine recently lamented the BumGenius Limited Edition with FLEECE because she thought she missed out on them. That's right Cotton Babies came out with a BumGenius with fleece instead of suedecloth. She then found them somewhere and bought 6. Great I said, but next time don't pay shipping. Even better, get a DEAL. Like this one:
If you get 6 BG Fleece diapers from, the total comes to $105. THEN, at checkout write "FREE BG Tee" and let them know if you have a boy or girl and indicate 2 sizes that you would be willing to accept.
So, that's means 6 diapers and one BumGenius tee or onesie, like the one below, all for $105. Come on, you know they have a good resale value. And they ARE Limited Edition.